Need Lunch Ideas??? We got you and the kids covered!!!

Back to School...

And I'm still sitting here wondering where the summer went!

The Summer season went by so fast and we are gearing up for the new season ahead.

MOMS!!! Struggling with lunches can often create extra stress early in the mornings before school and before you need to head off to work.

I know you have been there

Letting your kids have choice and independence on packing their lunches can make a huge difference in our morning routine with your children.  When kids have choice they are more likely to be excited about the things they choose.

Lunch for children does NOT have to be peanut + jelly or turkey sandwich on repeat month after month.  (Heck we cant even send our kids to school with anything relating to peanuts due to the overwhelming amount children with peanut allergies)

There are ways to incorporate more food groups about what your kids are eating while at school and are confident they are receiving the fuel they need for their bodies and minds.

And this is true for you as well!!!

Your lunch does not have to be boring!!!!

Think about it...what happens when you get tired of eating the same thing over and over again?
you might head out to a restaurant on your linch break, or binge eat your fridge when you come home from work, order drive through, or have food delivered to your work.

We don't want that to happen to our kids...

Are my lunches Pintrest Worthy???

Let's be real, probably not.

GOAL FOR THIS School Year: Logan starts Pre-K full time on Monday and I plan on doing my best and letting him have choice in his lunches...will this happen everyday...probably not...but all we can do is try our best...right moms :)

Actions to take:

First our kids need to know how to eat correctly and we can teach them with this rewards chart below

Once I get this printed and teaching my son what foods are what and how to pack his lunchbox I will be writing about my experience here...for now enjoy your Self-CARE SUNDAY


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