My Reason

After having kids I found it extremely hard to get up early, have my coffee, and practice best practices.  I wanted so badly to get back to who I was before I had children.  I was always tired, always running this "rat race of life" and I just wanted to be normal again.  Normal in my body, and in my mind.  But what I found was that taking all these steps to getting back to where I was created something even better.  I never got back to who I was before kids; because my life was completely different after the kids so why would my body and mind go back to before children.  I have been in the best shape of my life, I am the healthiest I have ever been, I have much better time management and I am still working on my mindset. That has been the biggest challenge for me but I try and practice positive thoughts, affirmations, and fill out a miracle morning checklist once a week.


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